... defend the environment is to defend our common home.”
In 2019, the Diocese of Trujillo pointed to what it called an illegal concession in the national park as the source of the conflict. According to ...
... El Tambor gold mine — or compensating the mining firm for hundreds of millions of dollars in future profits it had little hope of ever earning.
“KCA bought the project knowing there was social conflict ...
... El Dorado, in the east of the country.
Social conflict and environmental damage Canoero highlights that in Mexico there are 25,500 mining concessions that occupy 28% of the country's territory. In 31 ...
... and other extractive projects, who have faced particularly intense forms of harassment and repression from police and military, exacerbating territorial conflicts. Meanwhile, human rights and environmental ...
... project as a source of possible conflict, since it could exacerbate the scarcity of water resources in the Tambo river basin. This means that as Quellaveco’s start date of operations approaches, this conflict ...
... years to resolve the conflict over land ownership. As palm plantations expand, villages are crowded and arrest warrants are issued against community leaders. In times of siege states, community leaders ...
... NAFTA over an environmental dispute concerning limestone quarrying in the state of Quintana Roo. The company is in conflict with the municipality of Solidaridad (where the resort town Playa del Carmen ...
... over violations linked to their operations;
An end to the Philippine Government’s counter-insurgency program under the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) which encourages ...
... are criminals who hinder the country's economic development. But according to their lawyers, they are citizens who defend fundamental rights such as the right to water. The conflict between the residents ...
... the local oligarchy that has controlled post-coup governments are at the roots of the current conflict in Bajo Aguan.
According to the study, successive governments have deepened neoliberal policies, ...
... because the local authorities excused themselves from making decisions around the conflicting project of the company Inversiones Los Pinares.
Far from listening to the community´s demands, the town hall ...
... resistance against one of the most polluting and conflictive industries known on the planet. On October 14, 2016, after seven years of litigation at the International Center for the Settlement of Investment ...
... implementing an economic agenda based on the plunder of our natural resources. But in the communities of Tocoa, we are fighting for the defense of the environment”.
Land conflict in the Bajo Aguan ...
... he didn’t want to spark conflict. Instead, Coumans said the embassy grilled Simongo and the others, and the diplomat questioned whether they had legitimate ties to the Communist Party. “It was like an ...
... century.
In the last few decades it has expanded with the arrival of transnational mining corporations to the area.
The arrival of foreign corporations generated social conflict, as local residents ...
Mujeres Transformando el Mundo (MEXICO)
Observatorio Latinoamericano de Conflictos Ambientales (CHILE)
Otras Voces por la Tierra(URUGUAY)
Parlamento de los Pueblos ...
... crimes committed during the socio-environmental conflict known as the “Aymarazo” in 2011.
On September 17th, 2018, the Peruvian Supreme Court will hear Aduviri’s appeal in Lima. According to the Sign-On ...
... one of the largest primary silver producers in the world. Conflict, violent confrontations and protests, however, have plagued the project.
“We do it for the children,” Máximo Abrego, a 79-year-old grandfather ...
... of natural resources - mostly by multinational corporations - by limiting and violating the rights of the population.
The Aymarazo
The conflict known as "El Aymarazo" was a mobilization in the ...