... mining has negative impacts on the environment, our water supply and the health of people living near mining projects.
"The only river we have in El Salvador is the Lempa River, mining projects are projected ...
... cause negative impacts on nearby bodies of water where toxic discharge will occur, contamination of the Ostúa river, could travel to the Güija lake and then to the Lempa river.
It has been recognized ...
... release by the Environmental Alliance of El Salvador. "We are also alarmed by the lack of discussion on the threats posed by large scale metal mining projects, the negative impacts of the indiscriminate ...
... negative impacts of Pacific Rim’s operations in the country, including damage to El Salvador’s lands and main water supplies; violations of basic Human Rights , violence and social instability. We ...
... candidates and political parties participating in the current electoral campaign. We are also alarmed by the lack of discussion on the threats posed by large scale metal mining projects, the negative impacts ...
... displacement of populations, negative impacts on the environment, national and international environmental conflicts that cause the breakdown of the social fabric, loss of identity and the violation of ...
... suing this desperately poor nation for US$315 million.
Under CAFTA-DR – the Central American free trade agreement – a company can sue a government if it makes decisions that negatively affect the ...
... a member of La Mesa, is a small-scale farmer and mother of five children who lives in a community negatively affected by the El Dorado mining project. She is recognised internationally as one of the leading ...
... socio-environmental reality in our country and that this industry would not bring substantial benefits. The number of jobs produced by mining and economic benefits become irrelevant compared to the negative ...
... reality of our country, and it does not bring the substantial economic benefits mining corporations claim. Any economic gain is irrelevant compared to the negative impacts on health and the environment ...